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Role of Creator on origin of life in cosmos and on Earth.

"20. And God said let the water bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

21. And Got created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that is was good."

Bible, Genesis 1

Theory of evolution gained a victory over the Bible theory.

Darwin's doubt about his theory of evolution.

Where was a cell created? On Earth or in cosmos?

Cell is complicated informational system. It is not accidental result of chemical reactions.

What was in the beginning? Egg or hen?

Earth and life are almost the same age.

Earth is provided by embryos of living matter from cosmos.

New species of animals and plants were constructed only ennui. The General Designer of living matter is the Creator.

Creating living matter the Creator selected the suitable "building materials".

Ways of delivery of living matter from cosmos to Earth.

The Creator prepared conditions for life of animals and plants a long time.

Why dinosaurs died out.

The Creator has inclination to many versions of living organisms.

Were the first men on Earth more sense us?

Monkey was not forefather of a man.

The first men were born in sea. They were disjoined by great distances.

Did the Universe also create the Creator?

What is the use of the Universe, if nobody cognizes it?

Reader is interested in future of humanity.


The Bible theory on the origin of life on the Earth is most ancient. However, for all naivetes of the ancient authors, this theory is enough consistent. At first, the God makes program, and then He brings into the world animals of different kinds. It is also important that first animals were created by the God in water.

But the ancient authors of Bible theory voted absolute constancy of created animals. They believed that animals did not change since then, when ones were created by the God. It was so until the paleontological digging did not begin. It turned out that the numerous species of animals and plants lived in remote past. Most species of animals and plants died out, some of them survived. The process of appearance of the new species and following disappearance of them continued a long time.

Theory of evolution gained a victory over the Bible theory.

The replacement of the living organisms on the Earth is called the evolution. However, the Bible theory did not give way to the evolution theory, and the God was not pressed back. The Bible theory existed still a long time and one was called a theory of catastrophes. According to this theory, it assumed that catastrophes - earthquakes and world deluge - occurred on the Earth from time to time. All living things died during catastrophes, and then the God created new species of animals and plants. But it turned out that the world catastrophes although occurred in history of the Earth, but ones did not end with total death of living organisms. It turned out that some living organisms died out gradually, others lived to our days. The strong faith into regularity of living things replaced an idea about relationship between them. The scientists come to conclusion that all living things have a tendency to the progress - from the single organisms to complex ones. Most scientists were fully confident that multi-cellular organisms had origin from unicellular ones, then living things divided into two groups: the vegetable and animals kingdoms.

Such harmonious systematization of living matter was arranged by the paleontologists and biologists. This systematization-needed theory in order to had a scientific validity. Such theory was published in 1884. It was the Darwin's theory "Origin of Species". Darwin's theory enunciated basic laws of living matter: a changeability of individuals under enviromentals, struggle for existence and natural selection. In spite of harmony, Darwin's theory could not explain many phenomena of living matter. According to Darwin's theory, there are not jumps between a protocell and a man, but only gradual transitions. It is impossible to understand why a man transmuted into human creature through numerous stages, but onecelled organisms remained without changes. Darwin's theory does not disclaim that fact that changeability under enviromentals and natural selection has the universal significance.

Darwin's doubt about his theory of evolution.

As very honest scientist, Darwin reflected upon some weak places of his theory. He devoted to this question whole section of his fundamental work "Origin of Species". He wrote that he could not think about some weak places of his work without some trembling. If all species had origin from other ones, why we did not everywhere find innumerable transitional forms of organisms. Why did not the nature give us continuous insoluble mishmash? On the contrary, all species were fully divided groups.

Darwin accused paleontologists on the chaotic diggings and collection of fossils. He wrote that the Earth crust was extensive museum, but its collections were collected by very bad way. Darwin could not explain the origin of insects. Indeed, it is impossible to explain the origin of insects using theory of evolution. It is also impossible to find some kind of group in the animal world, which is connected with insects. Darwin called the origin of flowering plants as "a horrible mystery". Darwin could not understand the origin of such sensitive organ as an eye. Darwin's theory contains many similar weak places.

Where was a cell created? On Earth or in cosmos?

But principal difficulties waited for the theory of evolution on the stage of genetic study of a cell - of the basic of living matter. How did the nature create this diminutive wonder, which was able to live and to replicate?

The scientists attracted attention to pre-biological stage where components of a sell were created. This problem was studied by A. Oparin, J. Holdein, G. Kastler. Many scientists supposed that the synthesis of organic substances occurred in the atmosphere of early Earth, which consisted of hydrogen, methane, ammonia and steams of water. First synthesis of organic substances from the hydrogen-methane-ammonia mixture using high-tension current was made by Miller in 1953 \1\.

Several organic substances were obtained including aminoasid. Analogical results were obtained by other scientists using ultraviolet rays. One would think that the problem of origin of life was solved. Soon it turned out that deep gases, which went out active volcanoes of early Earth, contained mainly steams of water and carbonic acid, but there were not hydrogen, methane and ammonia \2\. It is necessary to notice that the Jupiter, the Saturn and the Uranus are surrounded by hydrogen-methane-ammonia atmospheres. However, the life on these planets was not found. Organic substances were not obtained from carbonic said, because ones were unstable in comparison with carbonic acid.

It must be admitted that main provider of organic substances on the Earth is cosmos. Organic substances were found into meteorites, comets, and cosmic gas-dust clouds. French scientist Duchen supposes that organic substances place in the Universe everywhere \3\. He arrives at a conclusion that biological molecules in heavenly bodies are not accidental and arise from physical and chemical phenomena, which occur in the Universe in consecutive order constantly. He also believes that pre-biological phenomena in the Universe are universal, but progress depends upon concrete conditions.

Cell is complicated informational system.
It is not accidental result of chemical reactions.

So, there were many organic substances in the oceans of early Earth for synthesis of living organism- a cell. But before to consider the problem of synthesis, it is necessary to familiarize with molecular bases of a cell. Human society is as a matter of fact information system, in which an information is passed by speech, stamp, electromagnetic waves. The nature chose different way. The information of living organisms is passed by chemical signals using deoxyribonucleic said (DNA) - a component of nucleus of a cell \4\.

Every chromosome in a cell contains a long DNA molecule, formed of two long strands intertwined in a shape something like that of a dual-flight spiral staircase. Each of the "rungs" connecting the two strands is a linked pair of two of the three basic substances: cytosine, adenine, guanine and thiamin. Total quantity of these substances in DNA molecule is very large: millions for a cell of a bacterium, a hundreds million for a cell of a bird, milliards for a cell of a man. Total length of the DNA molecule is equal approximately to one meter. So, the density of packing of the DNA molecule in a cell is extremely large. The DNA molecule by itself is lifeless, but it synthesizes proteins peculiar to the present cell by means of three components of ribonucleic acid (RNA). Proteins consist of twenty different aminoacid; each protein has definite succession. It is staggering fact that the mechanism of synthesis functions without mistakes translating four "letters" of the DNA molecule into twenty "letters" of protein. Our imagination is also staggered by process of replication of a cell. At first, the dual spiral of the DNA molecule is untwined. This procedure is conducted by two special protein-ferments, one of them "goes" on the DNA molecule untwining its, another of them straightens, stretches and cleans its. Then, the process of replication of DNA molecule begins. In order to provide with high precision parallel with high velocity of replication the nature resorts to special way - mechanism of correction. The special protein-ferments (the DNA-polymerizes) verify process of building of new DNA molecule. If the mistake happens at building, process replication comes to a stop until the wrong "building block" is not lived. Precision of replication is very high. So, the mistakes of synthesis of the DNA molecule for a bacterium occur once by some millions basic substances. The hereditary (genetic) program of a cell also the complicated program of its behavior is not freak of chance or predisposition of organic substances to progress. Who creates these programs? Unfortunately, Darwin's theory cannot give answer to this question \5\. And again the scientists pay attention to Spinoza's pantheism, the Gegel's Absolute Idea and the modern theory of physical vacuum, to the Field Consciousness, which creates living matter and the programs of genetic apparat \6\. We assume that the cosmic Programmer has vast information possibilities, which exceed human's possibilities by far.

Let us calculate mathematical probability of formation of simple protein molecule consisting of 100 aminoacids by accidental reactions. In according to the theory the probability of formation of molecule consisting of 100 aminoacid in necessary succession is equal to 1/20100 or 1/10130. This value is very small, because value 10130 is extremely large. It is impossibly to cover this value by mind. The Universe contains only 1080 protons, neutrons and electrons. It means that formation of simple protein molecule is practically incredible event.

The probability of formation of one gene (a part of the DNA molecule) is equal to 1/10600 \7\. This value is almost equal to zero.

What was in the beginning? Egg or hen?

The many scientists tried to by-pass these effected facts and calculations. Patti suggested the principle of reverse connection \8\. According to this principle, the primitive hereditary molecular evolution began with "training" of the organic molecules by enviromentals. Fox and Doze assumed that the organic substances in the ancient ocean were able to self-assembling at forming of a cell \9\. The principle of self-assembling was used by Eigen in his theory of origin of life \10\. Later Eigen and Winkler arrived at a conclusion that genetic code could not arise spontaneously, it was developed from some "classification code" \11\. Nicolis and Prigogine supposed that system of organic molecules at some stage of evolution acquired ability for accumulation of experience by means of the initial genetic code \12, 13\. Ideas of these scientists were supported by Goldanskiy \14\.

Even using the principle of self-assembling and initial hypothetical code the scientists could not solve age-long problem of an egg and a hen on molecular level \15, 16\:

How can the protein-ferments appear at absence of the DNA molecule, which builds these proteins?

How can the DNA molecule appear at absence of the protein-ferments, which build the DNA molecule?

Earth and life are almost the same age.

Thus, the biologists and chemists could not determine how living matter - a cell- arises in ocean of the ancient Earth. According to data of paleontology actually there was not time for passage from unliving matter to living one. Now, it is known that life on the Earth is as ancient as ocean and sedimental rock. The remains of microbes and the tracks of their life were found in the very sedimental rock \17\. Times of the biological and geological histories of the Earth coincide with precision up to a hundreds million years. Zavarzin thinks that the components of a cell can appear by means of inorganic synthesis, but origin of a cell by this way is only hypothesis. Zavarzin also arrives at a conclusion that presence of bacteria at the beginning of geological history of the Earth testifies about origin of living matter in cosmos \18\.

Earth is provided by embryos of living matter from cosmos.

Idea of panspermia was still known in antiquity. For the first time, this idea was advanced by the Greek philosopher Anaksogor. According to his theory living matter on the Earth was never originated and was brought from cosmos where it existed always in the form of the embryos. This idea was supported by Libich, Gelmgolz, Arrenius. Letter believed that the spores and bacteria placed on the cosmic dust were transferred by the light pressure from alone planet upon another one. Finding oneself on the planet with suitable conditions, they began biological evolution.

Now, the hypothesis of controlled panspermia is supported by the English biophysicist and geneticist Krick. Hoyle and Wickramasingle also assume that microorganisms are brought on the Earth from cosmos \19\.

According to calculations, every year approximately 1018 spores and embryos are brought by comets on the Earth. Ideas of these scientists were called in questions and sharp criticism, because the tracts of living matter into comets and meteorites were not found. It necessary to point that the scientists found the remains of microorganisms into meteorites, but supposed that they were "a soling" biological of earth origin.

Not long ago the Russian and American scientists were beginning to study again the Murchison meteorite, which was found in Australia in 1960. They have discovered imprints of ancient microorganisms - zianobacteria. These bacteria are 4.5-4.6 milliard years. They are the same age as the Earth and even more. Can comets and meteorites deliver the living matter on the Earth? It is necessary to remember that comets and meteorites move in cosmos several millions years and this period bacteria can be lost. The scientists of Russian Institute of Microbiology discovered bacteria into ice of the Antarctica, which were in anabiosis approximately one million years. They had revived, when ones were defrosted. Consequently, there is no the insurmountable barrier in the path of living matter from cosmos on the Earth and another planets with suitable conditions for life.

New species of animals and plants were constructed only ennui. The General Designer of living matter is the Creator.

But assigning a part of the provider of microorganisms to cosmos, we only complicate the problem of origin of life. What is going in cosmos? How does the Creator in cosmos synthesize the living matter? Does the Creator synthesize only microorganisms? Do they exist always? But that contradicts to generally accepted theory of "Big Explosion". Before to answer these questions, we consider the difficulties of theory of evolution. These difficulties were considered by author of theory of evolution. In spite of the hope of Darwin, the paleontologists did not find the intermediate forms of birds, fishes, mammilla although at present more 100 million of fossils of different animals and plants are found. All major species of animals and plants had shaped signs although the changes into each species occurred in wide diapason. Studying the fossils of animals and plants scientists came to a conclusion that in history of the Earth the sudden "explosion of life" happened with infinite multiplicity of species \20\. Supporters of theory of evolution believe that a species transmutes into another one at change of enviromentals. Consequently, they suppose that "the reconstruction " of genetic apparat of heredity takes place. However, it is known from molecular biology that the DNA molecule is very conservative. In spite of chemical stability, the DNA molecule receives changes called mutations. The changes may occur accidentally in process of cell division or - more frequently - damage to a particular gene. Such damage can result from the organism's exposure to high temperature, to high-energy radiation - x-ray, gamma rays, beta rays and even ultraviolet rays- or to a number of mutagenic chemicals. Most mutations are harmful, tending to lessen the organism's ability to survive and reproduce (with the exception of the DNA molecules of mithochondries, which are able to mutations, but latter, do not result in extinction of species). Therefore, all cells have the special system of repairing of damage \4\. There are not mutations, which are favorable and vital to the process of evolution. The change of a species requires "the reconstruction" of DNA molecule. It means that a species can disappear. It also means that each new species is created in nature ennui. It is also necessary to say about origin of many-celled organisms from single-celled ones. Most scientists believe that at first the single-celled organisms form colonies (colonies are formed, if the cells divide, but do not disperse). There are such colonies of infusoria, many types of algae. However, the paleontologists did not find organisms with number of cells equal to 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and so on.

The single-celled organisms - bacteria and algae appeared on the Earth approximately 3.5 milliard years ago. The many-celled organisms (animals and plants) had arisen only 1.3 milliard years ago almost simultaneously \21\. Single-celled organisms could not transmute into many-celled ones without considerable "reconstruction" of genetic apparat. The sizes of a genome (a sexual cell) of many-celled organism (for instance, mammilla) are much greater than genome of bacterium (600 times). It cannot be conceived that simple genetic apparat of single-celled organism converts into gigantic genetic apparat of many-celled organism without the definite program. The DNA molecule of an animal and a plant can be designed only ennui.

At present, the geneticists study succession of four basic substances forming the man's genome. This investigation is called the sequencation. The sequencation of man's genome is enormous problem, because 23 chromosomes of sexual cell include 3 milliard of organic substances. It is necessary to create the library of fragments of DNA molecule. 1200 volumes each including 1000 pages need in order to record the results of sequencation.

But we don't know yet what vital functions are carried out by successions of organic substances of genome. We don't know why the different organs of body grow from the same embryonic cells. James Tompson from Visconsin University thinks that the embryonic cells begin to make the cells of blood, brain, gemma, heart by order of special "signal" cells. Some scientists suppose that a genome is collection of genes-letters and genes-phrases forming texts, which are acoustic holograms and which dictate stages of development and growth of organism \22\. The Greek scientists arrive at a conclusion that the succession in the DNA and RNA molecules and words, for instance, in text of modern Greek prose obey the same law of structural linguistics \23\. That fact is not accidental: the word building in different languages and interaction of ones obey the law of formal genetics \24\.

The origin of the vertebrates animals is also problematical from point of view of theory of evolution. It can agree with theory of evolution that the vertebratesless animals acquired external skeletons - tests and shells- in process of evolution. However, the origin of animals with internal skeletons could not happen without order of genetic apparat, which at first must be created. It can continue the enumeration of weak points in theory of evolution, but it is already clearly that it is necessary to return to idea of creative beginning in the Universe. At last, it must be admitted that all living things on the Earth were created by Unsurpassed Programmer, Chemist, Biologist, and Geneticist in the world, the Creator in according to conditions on the Earth.

By the way, some supporters of theory of evolution express the same opinion. For instance, well- known supporter of this theory Corner wrote that the paleontological annals of history of the Earth for an unprejudiced man were striking illustration of special creation.

The conception of the Creator was still appeared in the ancient Indian legends. The authors of legends believed that the Cosmos was controlled by the Eternal and Infinite Absolute, which was too difficult for humanity. Later the religious prophets reduce the Creator to the God-person with strong character: the God is angry, the God punishes a man and rewards him \25\.

The Pope Ioann Pavel 2-th thinks also that the God has not human exterior. As the painter Karavadgo the Pope believe that the God is fluorescence, torrent. Author of present article supposes that the humanity is misleaded about the origin of life on the Earth.

The problem of origin of life needs the approach, which is similar to Copernicus's one. By the way, the astronomical observations in the days of Copernicus were very inaccurate, and the Ptolemej's system had given to a great extent better results than Copernicus's theory. Author of present article thinks that in the future the genetics will obtain more weighty arguments in favor of act of creation of living things in the cosmos. Certainly, nobody refuses the Darwin's laws of living matter: changeability of individuals under enviromentals, struggle for existence and natural selection. The changeability and natural selection guarantee safety of popularization within the species limits. It is known that the direct bearer of genetic information for the many-celled organisms is only part of the DNA molecule, which is approximately equal to 5%. The other part (95%) is called by biologists "a junk". Perhaps, this part of the DNA molecule is responsible for adaptation of an organism to conditions of enviromentals. It is also possible that "junk" is responsible for the strategically information about an organism in form of wavy signal of holographic, and probably, speech-like structure \26\. At the same time, it is necessary to point that the wonderful harmony reigns in the association of animals and plants, if there is not the interference of a man.

Creating living matter the Creator selected the suitable "building materials".

Now, we return to cosmos where the mystery of birth of life takes place. Even disposing enormous information, the Creator must have necessary "building material" at hand. Each living organism consists of the combination of a few chemical elements: hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus. These elements are the widest spread in the interstellar space. The rest of elements also form a part of living organisms, but their quantity is not large although their role in the metabolism is very significant. Carbon, sulfur and phosphorus are able to make the steady multiple ties. Carbon occupies the special position, because it makes long chains of all sorts of polymers at chemical reactions. It is necessary to point that the DNA molecule and proteins are polymers. There are a number of properties, which permits to call carbon the base of life. In the nature, carbon exists in two forms: diamond and graphite. The atoms of carbon in graphite form the layers, which are bound up one with another very weak. But in the layer, some electrons form strong bonds, another move in the layer from one place to another. Thus, in graphite the relative stability combines with the certain non-stability. This property of graphite imparts to the genetic apparat conservatism and at the same time - the flexibility, which is necessary for the adaptation of organism to changes of enviromentals.

There is still property of carbon, which ensures it's the priority in the living matter. Carbon is able to make the crystals, which are similar to the DNA molecule \27\. Such crystals of graphite are obtained from gas phase. In cosmos, carbon appears at the explosion of supernew stars, which play the importance part in the evolution of galaxies. Interstellar space is filled by the gas-dust clouds. Going through these clouds starlight is absorbed and polarized. According to the investigation of absorbed and polarized starlight the speck of dust of gas-dust clouds is the graphite scale, which is covered by dirty ice \28\. The interstellar dust is the catalyst of synthesis of organic molecules. The compound molecules (from 8 to 10 atoms) were discovered by the astronomical methods. For the present, it is all information about the creative laboratory of the Creator. Undoubtedly, some time we shall know how the DNA molecule, protein-ferments and protein membrane of a cell are constructed by the Creator in cosmos. Now, we can only assume that according to the definite program the waterless skeleton of a cell of an animal and a plant is made with following "completion" and filling of water on the Earth. This assumption is confirmed by the similar composition of blood of animals and seawater \2\. The plants are filled by fresh water. It means that the embryos of plants were filled by water on the dry land where they used the rainwater.

Ways of delivery of living matter from cosmos to Earth.

How and when does the skeleton of a cell of living organism fetch up at the Earth? 3.5 milliard years ago bacteria and blue-green algae were delivered to the Earth by comets, which bombarded our planet at its birth. The comets came flaying from the remote outskirts of solar system where they were as "refuses" of its forming.

The comet bombing had finished 3.5 milliard years ago, and the hard life of one-celled organisms had begun in the ancient sea where there was not oxygen. But how are the new embryos of life transported to the Earth from cosmos?

Now, we apply to astronomers. It is known that the solar system revolves around center of the Galaxy. Moving along the elliptical orbit the solar system passes through gas-dust spiral streams periodically and is in these streams some million years (it is perigee - the nearest distance from center of the Galaxy). The interplanetary space and atmosphere of the Earth are filled by cosmic dust, and activity of the Sun decreases \29, 30\. The galaxy winter is coming. The glacial epoch beg, which is interrupted by the temporary rise in temperature. At this time the cosmic radiation increases, many meteorites, comets, asteroids fall on surface of the Earth. The volcanoes wake up, the frequency of earthquakes increases, the continents raise. The galaxy winter continues approximately 30 million years. The galaxy spring continues approximately 50 million years. At this time, the quantity of cosmic dust in interplanetary space decreases, and the rise in the temperature on the Earth is coming. When the solar system reaches the apogee, the galaxy summer is coming and it continues approximately 85 million years. In summer, the climate is very hot and humid. The sea level raises (100-200 m). The galaxy autumn continues 50 million years. At this time the seasonal temperature contrast is coming. The galaxy "year' continues 215 terrestrial years.

Undoubtedly, the cosmic climatic and geological changes in the course of the galaxy "year" had influence on flora and fauna: some groups died out, another ones appeared \31\. These events occurred with some lateness in comparison with climatic and geological changes and continued some million of years. Many paleontologists and biologists are interested in problem of rapid disappearance of large groups of animals and plants. There are some hypothesis explaining the disappearance of living organisms in the history of the Earth \32\. One of them bases on idea about the death of a species, which is similar to the death of an individual organism. This idea was suggested by paleontologist Brokki at the beginning of nineteenth century. He supposed that a species had the limit period of life. Brokki's idea was supported by Beringer and Vandel in the twentieth century \33, 34\. The interesting idea was stated by Dogel \35\. He maintained that the degradation of a species occurred in the nature very often because of excessive specialization. Meyer-Abich believed that the biosphere was superorganism, in which the species were organs \36\. He thought that the mammalians appeared on the Earth, when the order is received for disappearance of reptiles.

On a level with ideas of "internal" cause of disappearance, the hypothesis of climatic and geological changes, and the meteorite and radiation hypothesis were created. It is necessary to notice that the Darwin's theory does not explain reasons of extinction of living organisms. The theory of evolution confines oneself to affirmation: a new species have advantages in comparison with forerunners, therefore the natural selection results in disappearance of the latter. Really, the reptiles have the advantages in comparison with amphibian, mammals - in comparison with reptiles. When a new species more adapted for enviromentals appears, a forerunner dooms to disappearance. The question is how and from a new species appears. Meyer-Abich is right: "the order" for new organisms to appear and for forerunners to disappearance goes out from "the top".

Author of present paper assumes that the intensive "insemination" of the Earth - supply of embryos of animals and plants - occurs during the galaxy winter, the beginning of spring and end of autumn. The embryos get at the Earth together cosmic dust and comets. At times, the coldness is changes by getting warmer and the free ecological niches are filled by the "new-comer" from cosmos very fast.

The Creator prepared conditions for life of animals and plants a long time.

Such replacement of "generation" of living organisms began three galaxies years ago approximately (600 million terrestrial years). Up to that time the one-celled organisms - bacteria and blue- green algae reigned during ten galaxy years (2,2 milliard terrestrial years). What is cause of such longevity of one-celled organisms? First, oxygen was absence in the atmosphere of the ancient Earth along time. The oxygen was made by the blue-green algae during many hundred million years. The blue-green algae were supplied by the refined mechanism of photosynthesis from the first (of course, this complicated oxygen factory was not accidental creation of nature). Besides, the one-celled organism dwelled in seawater, which was radioactive 20-30 times as much than the present one. Only the one-celled organisms - bacteria and blue-green algae - could exist at so high level of radiation.

The many-celled organisms appeared at that time, when the level of radiation decreased and the quantity of free oxygen in the atmosphere increased. The turning point in the history of life was appearance of the living organisms on the dry land. The earliest plants were psilophytes and flowerless plants. Then the mosses and ferns went, the vast woods grew on the logs. The quantity of free oxygen in the atmosphere increased considerably. The high tree ferns (up to 30 m) and gigantic horsetail appeared: the food for the land animals was prepared. Later (130 million years ago) the flowerless plants were changed by the contemporary floral ones. They were the food for the mammalians and birds. At that time the flourishing of insects came. The insects were necessary in order to pollinate the floral plants. Only the inveterate materialist does not notice the project of the Creator in the succession of these events. There is not another explanation to almost simultaneous appearance of floral plants and insects.

Why dinosaurs died out.

The amphibians were the first four-footed animals on the dry land although they reproduced in water. They appeared on the Earth 400 million years ago. Later (200 million years ago) they forced out by the grippers. The latter adapted for life on the dry land better than the amphibian. Even sea reptiles reproduced on the dry land. Therefore, the reptiles took all ecological niches for long: dry land, air and water. The dinosaurs were the largest order of reptiles: gigantic herbivorous brontosaur, diplodok, brachiosaur and predatory tyrannosaur, zeratosaur, allosaur. The gigantic winged were the largest flying animals on the Earth. Our planet did not know yet such variety of gigantic animals. Undoubtedly, this "holiday" of life was the freak of the Super Intellect. The reptiles reigned on the Earth approximately 100 million years. But the ordinary sudden catastrophe occurred in the galaxy winter or in late autumn: the collision of the Earth and enormous asteroid. Many millions tons of fine dust arisen in the atmosphere. The large quantity of dust was gushed by volcanoes at the shaking of lithosphere.

Now, it is necessary to make the retreat, which permits to realize results of catastrophe. According to theory of author of present paper, the very fine dust in the atmosphere does not obey to law of gravitation. The particles of dust with mass of 2x10-7g and smaller do not fall on the surface on the Earth a long time and can come in the cosmic space. The behavior of small particles in the solar system will be considered in the next paper, "THE CRITICAL MASS OF GRAVITATION". In the present paper author uses his theory with reference to concrete event - the fall of asteroid on the Earth.

The fine dust could be on the top of atmosphere a long time - some hundred years. The quantity of heat from the Sun decreased, therefore the vegetation wilted, which was the food for the dinosaurs. Besides, the dinosaurs were deprived of hairs; therefore, they could not withstand cold weather. The hunger and weak immunity resulted in the illnesses and epidemics. The gradual degeneration began, which continued some million years.

The Creator has inclination to many versions of living organisms.

The reptiles were changed by the mammalians and the birds. These animals had the batter adaptability to new enviromentals, because they were warm - blooded and had the developed brains. The first mammalians were small animals, which fed insects. But already 30-35 million years ago the animals like to the martence, dogs, cats existed on the Earth. It necessary to notice that the Creator has inclination to many versions of species of animals and plants. At present over 1 million species of animals and plants live on the Earth. But perhaps, real quantity of species is equal to 4-5 million. According to calculations of the paleontologists approximately 1 milliard species lived on the Earth during 600 million years \37\. It is necessary to have the splendid fantasy in order to create such variety of species. The Creator used the same way at construction of species. So, the marsupial wolfs and bears live in the Australia, and the placental wolfs and bears wonderfully like to marsupial animals live in the Asia. But there is the example of fabulous fantasy of the Creator - the famous duckbill. It lays and hatches eggs and feeds the young with milk. The duckbill is obstacle for the theory of evolution. The supporter of this theory cannot affirm that there is the intermediate species between birds and mammalians. The supporters of theory of evolution assumed that the origin of birds came from the reptiles, but not from the mammalians.

Creating the primates and a man the Creator resorted also many versions. The primates appeared on the Earth approximately 80 million years ago. A man appeared more lately. Darwin believed that a man resulted from evolution of animals. Darwin was very cautious scientist; therefore, he did not affirm that the origin of a man came from a monkey. He only noticed that his conception allowed to shed light on the origin of a man. Later Haksly, Gekkel, Phogt announced the origin of a man from a monkey. Walles did not agree to this opinion. He affirmed that the developed brain of a man passed ahead his vital requirements considerably on the early stages of human society. Walles explained this discrepancy with interference of Super Intellect into forming of a man.

Were the first men on Earth more sense us?

Indeed, the strange circumstance in the theory of evolution strikes one's eye: at present we cannot find the steady transitional forms between social society and animal kingdom We observe the transition from the first men to modern society only at archeological excavations \38\. The forerunner of a modern man is an australopitek ("south monkey"), which takes up intermediate position between a gorilla and a chimpanzee. But the brain of an australopitek exceeds one of a monkey. The australopiteks made the primitive instruments and hunted for large animals. They lived approximately 2 million years ago. At the same time a man called by paleontologists Homo habilis (a man able) lived, because the stone instruments were found near his remains.

A prehistoric man Homo erectus (a man straight-walking) lived in the caves more 500000 years ago. He was able to obtain the fire and to use the instruments. The size of his brain was equal to 1000 cm3 and more (compare: the size of brain of a modern man is equal to 1450 cm3). A prehistoric man died out also, probably, because of poor feeding, bad conditions of life (damp caves, lack of sunlight).

At last, a modern man Homo Sapiens (a man reasonable) appeared approximately 100000 years ago. (Notice: how often word "appear" reiterates at the account of history of life on the Earth). The Neanderthal man and the Kromanjon one are also related to the modern men. The size of brain of the Neanderthal man exceeded the size of brain of modern man and was equal to 1400-1600 cm3. The Neanderthal men had large physical strength, rich material culture, well defended territory, very developed mutual aid. They were able to paint, to grow flowers and to use the diverse instruments. But this beautiful version of a man was annihilated by the Kromanjon men during some a thousand years. Probably, the brain of the Neanderthal man was disposed to emotional perception of world and there was lack of logical thinking \39\. Not long ago the German genetics from Munchen University have investigated DNA of remains of the Neanderthal man, which lived 30000 years ago. It turned out that the DNA molecule of the Neanderthal man differs from the DNA molecule of the a modern man. Therefore, the Kromanjon men could not have children from the Neanderthal women. Perhaps, it was still one reason why the Neanderthal men were annihilated by the Kromanjon men. The Kromanjon men had will logical thinking and were operative and aggressive. They were tall, strong, athletic men. The size of brain of Kromanjon man exceeded the size of brain of modern Frenchman. The Kromanjon men were excellent animal painters. Their rock carvings of animals are real chef-d'oeuvres. The Kromanjon men, possible and the Neanderthal ones, could raise domestic animals and culture cereals. This very complicated work demanded of inconceivable persistence and well observation. However, in spite of excellent physical and intellectual faculties, the Kromanjon men did not live until present time.

The present-day people appeared on the Earth approximately 40000 years ago. This version of a man turned out more adapted to enviromentals because of large informational faculties.

Monkey was not forefather of a man.

How and where appeared the prehistoric man? The overwhelminy majority of scientists are sure on the origin of a man from an ancient anthropoid ape. The scientists assumed that this epochal event occurred in the Africa. But author of present paper thinks that the appearance of a man in the Africa is hardly probable for some reasons. First, the DNA molecules of modern anthropoid apes and men distinguishes although a little. The mutations of the DNA molecule of the ancient anthropoid apes could only result in disappearance of this species, but not in appearance of such unique creature as a man. Further, let us assume that the monkey began to give birth to human young ones. The latter could not be men, because a young one became a man only in the society of people. At last, the appearance of a man and the human society needed of the free ecological niche. But there were not the free ecological niches in the beneficial Africa at all time. There not were the caves where the prehistoric men could live and suffer from cold. There are such places in mountain areas of the Europe, Asia and America. The free ecological niches appeared in the Europe (perhaps, in the North America and Asia), when the glaciers stepped back. The first men appeared at that time and occupied the caves where they saved oneself from cold lighting a campfire.

Now, it necessary to notice the progressive role of glacial period in the history of the humanity \40\. So, small glacial period in the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries brought two waves of cold. The worsening of conditions of life (floods, severe winters, bad harvests) resulted in sharp raising of civilization. The glacial periods were marked by great number of scientific and geographical discoveries, development of industry: discovery of the America by Coulomb, the first Magellan's voyage round the world. At that time Gutenberg invented book printing (1445), Fabrizius - telescope (1610), Levenguk -microscope (1673), Watt - steam engine (1774), Kopernik published his scientific work (1543). At last, the feudal manufacture was changed by capitalistic one in the sixteenth century...

The first men were born in sea. They were disjoined by great distances.

The Creator did not make exception for the reasonable creature. The first men appeared on the Earth just by the same way as animals. The embryonic human cells fell in sea from cosmos in the galaxy winter and in the galaxy spring. Then, cells were filled by seawater and completion occurred. At last, the placenta formed according to definite program. The placenta is unique organ of mammalians, which is able to exists separately from organism of a man and an animal. Then, the development of embryo began. There was much food in sea: cosmos supplied the sufficient quantity of proteins, aminoacid and another substances, which were necessary for grow of organism. The autonomous development and life of placenta outside organism is weighty argument in favor of birth of a man in sea. A baby could survive only in gulfs and lagoons where there were much heat and food, which was brought by flow. The modern people cannot imagine the state of helpless baby going out from water. But we do not surprise modern babies, which feel themselves excellently at birth "in water".

The appearance of the first men on the Earth was very rare event. First, the probability of presence of embryos in gulfs and lagoons was very small. Besides, if a baby went out from water, he was exposed to danger of attack of wild animals. Probably, the baby was in water almost all the time. He was keep the cold out by excellent hairs. An ancient baby was very hairy. A modern baby has such hairs to end of seventh month development in womb. The first men on the Earth had the vast mature from childhood. In the present the medical men inform about very fast maturing of some modern babies (2-3 years) \41\. This atavism is ancient program of behavior of the first men. The human society formed many thousand years. The author of present paper assumes that the first men were provided with some programs of sexual behavior: heterosexual, hermaphrodital, homosexual. It is known that right from start the embryo has a female and male sex glands. Then, in process of development a boy only male sex gland, the female gland disappears. A little girl has only female gland, the male gland disappears. Sometimes the male and female develop at the same time, and then a hermaphrodite appears. The sex depends on enviromentals. Perhaps, the genome exchanges actively by information with enviromentals (with the genomes of other men, animals, plants and other sources of information). The exchange of information of genome with exchange of enviromentals is base of adaptation to these enviromentals. For instance at first the hermaphroditism and homosexualism was basic programs of sexual behavior of a man. That was necessary in conditions of extremely small population on the Earth, when the men were separated by tens and even hundreds kilometers. At present, the hermaphrodital and homosexual programs are atavistic. These programs were "took down" on DNA molecule and preserved up to the present. The heterosexual program began "to work", when many people appeared and society formed. The first men were able survive in hard condition and preserve the human mind on our planet. They survived thanks to their extraordinary facilities. They fell the approach of danger: wild animals, earthquake. Perhaps, they had telepathic facilities. These facilities are also ancient programs of behavior of a man. The modern men do not need of this programs, therefore they only preserve in the DNA molecule. The human must be thankful for the first men on the Earth.

In general, what is the correlation of programs of behavior and free choice? Probably, the first men had more programs of behavior than free choice. The modern men have more free choice than programs of behavior. In the future people will have much more free choice.

Is the appearance of a man in this way possible at present? The probability of such event is very small. First, at present we are at the beginning of galaxy spring. Therefore, the "insemination" of the Earth was ended practically by embryos. Besides, at present there are not the free ecological niches on our planet. The next "insemination" of the Earth is to be expected approximately 150-200 million years.

There is still problem, which needs of consideration. Quite possible, the first men appeared much earlier than 2-3 million years ago, for instance, in the beginning of previous galaxy year (approximately 200 million years ago) and they were neighbors of dinosaurs. Possibly also, the reptiles gained a victory over the first men in the struggle for the free ecological niches, and the civilization did not take place. This supposition is not fantastical. That agrees with Darwin's theory of struggle for existence. Besides, there are some arguments in favor of this supposition. In 1931 near the Mount-Vernon the American geologist Burru has found the tracks in sand of a man, which were 250 million years. In 1983 similar tracks in sand of a man were found in Asia (Turkmenia). Near these tracks of a man were also found tracks of a dinosaur. At present, it is impossible to identify the remains of these ancient first men. In opinion of paleontologists, only 0.01% remains of animals existed in bygone epochs were found in all times of excavations. Unfortunately, the precision of modern paleontological methods is insufficient for restoration of species variety of fossil remains. The paleontologists let through even species living at presence and lived in past. The species variety of modern animals and plants are also described insufficiently \42\.

Did the Universe also create the Creator?

It is the natural question. Indeed, many physical properties and relations discovered in the Universe do not look necessary. The Universe would have another fundamental parameters. Even not great change of one of them would result in impossibility of life on the Earth. For example, if masses of proton and neutron would differ from present ones, the nucleosynthesis would be impossible. The stable existence of atoms would be unreal at another relation of masses of proton and electron. If the constant of strong interaction would be greater over 10% than present one, all hydrogen would change into helium very fast. There are many circumstances, which from the point of view of modern natural science are accidental coincidences. But these surprising coincidences are necessary for existence of biological structures \43\. Thus, the Universe is unique base for origin of life and mind creatures. Some scientists attribute the mind even to elementary particles. For instance, according to Feynman the elementary particles feel all neighbor ways and "choice" those ones where the action is minimum \44\. Blochinzev supposed that the psychics was peculiar to any form of matter and elementary particles had mind although primitive \45\.

Unfortunately, the modern relativity physics created the theory of the "Big Explosion" cannot give the persuasive answer many questions. If the "Big Explosion" occurred, the prephysical form of matter existed, for which the laws of conservation of mass and energy were not implemented \46\.

Well-known cosmologist wrote that he could not save from impression of unreality, when he told about the first minutes of existence of the Universe \47\.

The uncertainty in the problem of origin of the Universe raises a problem of nature of physical laws, which were base for origin of living matter. That led to formulation of the "anthropic cosmological principle".

What is the use of the Universe, if nobody cognizes it?

The anthropic principle was advanced by Bolzman. Then, this principle was supported by well-known scientists: Brandon, Carter, Dickie, Fryman, Dyson, Chucking, Rise, Willer. There are "weak" and 'strong" anthropic principles. According to "weak" anthropic principle, the visible Metagalaxy (accumulation of the galaxies) was only one in a many universes where the set of fundamental physical parameters appeared accidentally and that allowed appearing life and minding creature. It means that our Universe and man are the result of statistical conformity. Some scientists suppose that this hypothesis is rather very similar. However, it is impossible to explain many surprising coincidences, therefore the 'strong" anthropic principle is used. This principle is formulated by Carter in the following way: the Universe must be such that an observer would exist in it on the some stage of evolution \48\. The "strong" anthropic principle is supported by some scientists. Willer supposes that the existence of mind observer on the some stage of evolution of the Universe is responsible for formation of such Universe \49\. He writes: "What is the use of the Universe if nobody cognizes it". Barrow agrees with him: "Many observations of the nature ... are inevitable consequences of our existence" \50\.

Scarcely the human mind had an influence upon formation of our Universe. But there is the section of physics where the role of the mind observer is of no small importance. That is quantum mechanics. Indeed, the result of measurements in the quantum mechanics depends upon the participation of mind observer. This fact is highly forcible argument in favor of "strong" anthropic principle.

The existence of a man would be impossible without incredible chances, which occur in the nature. Dickie supposes that the life in the Universe cannot appear until at least one generation of stars does not end its cycle of development and does not disperse the fragments of super-new stars containing carbon through the Galaxy \51\. The astronomer Mario Livio on the base of data obtained by means of cosmic telescope Hubble came to a conclusion that the velocity of formation of carbon was maximum 2 milliard years before formation of the Sun and solar system. On the other hand, the expense of hydrogen fuel by stars is not made good; therefore, this cycle cannot recur infinitely. After some generation of stars, hydrogen fuel will exhaust, and the birth of stars similar to the Sun will decrease and life will stop. Studying the significant role of carbon for life Hoyle was interested in following curious chance: the atomic nucleus of carbon were synthesized by collision of three atomic nucleuses of helium \52\ Such collision was very rare event, and the atomic nucleus of carbon would not appear, if carbon would not have one accidental property. It turns out that energy of atomic nucleuses in typical star disposes exactly in the region of resonance of carbon C12. This happy chance ensures effective synthesis of carbon in bowels of stars. In a different way, the velocity of synthesis of carbon would be very small. Besides, the atomic nucleus of carbon must preserve at further nucleus reactions in bowels of stars. The reserves of carbon would exhaust as they were used for synthesis of heavy elements. So, oxygen O16 is synthesized at following collisions of nucleus of helium with nucleus of carbon C12. But again there is happy chance in nature. The resonance energy in nucleus of oxygen O16 is much less than heat energy in star, therefore carbon C12 cannot burn completely with formation of oxygen.

The coincidence in synthesis of carbon-oxygen is so surprising that it seems "purposely invented". It is possible to suppose that the Creator "experiments" with the physics, chemistry, biologics and there are not the blind natural forces. We were lucky that the nucleus resonance coincided successfully. Otherwise a man would not exist and nobody would discuss this problem. In fact the strong anthropic principle affirms that the laws of the physics, chemistry and biologics are made so that to guarantee the origin of life in the Universe. The strong anthropic principle forces to recognize the truth:

The Creator created the Universe in order to a man lived in it, observed it and was enthusiastic about it.

Reader is interested in future of humanity.

The information facilities of a man will allow to create the artificial mind. This plaything will facilitate and at the same time will make difficult his life, because the unwanted people will appear. The length of active human life will increase to a great extent thanks to achievements of genetics. At the same time the new illnesses will appear. The struggle against them will go with varying success, because the bacteria and viruses have the great genetic changeability. The big cities will disappear. The humanity will realize its blood unity with all living things on the Earth. If the humanity will live to the beginning of galaxy summer, it will find oneself in heavenly conditions thanks to warm climate everywhere on the Earth. As the matter of fact, the dinosaurs were lucky, because they lived in period of galaxy summer. The people will migrate on high plots of dry land, because the level of seas will rise as a result of melting of glaciers on the Earth. The rate of technical progress will decrease, because the warm climate will not promote the progress.

But up to now there be another version of events - probable collision of the Earth with huge asteroid. The world catastrophe will result in gradual extinction of people and in the end - death of civilization. However, the primitive life on the Earth will preserve, and atmosphere suitable for existence of mind creatures also will preserve. In many million years the mind creatures again will appear but with another texture of brain. The Creator will design another mind creatures, and the Mind on the Earth again will begin its hard way. But it will be another civilization.


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